20 Jul 2017 IWGSC Reference Sequence v1.0 browser now available

The IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 browser displays in JBrowse the pseudomolecules and scaffolds with the automated annotation generated by the IWGSC of the genes, transposable elements and ncRNAs. Also available are mapped markers, and alignments of nucleic acid and protein evidence supporting the annotation.

These data are being made available pre-publication under the IWGSC General Data Access agreement which is consistent with the Toronto Agreement and that grants the IWGSC the right to publish the first global analyses of the data. This includes descriptions of whole chromosome or genome-level analyses of genes, gene families, repetitive elements, and comparisons with other organisms.

How to access the data

Access requires registration and agreement to respect the right of the IWGSC to publish the first global genome analysis. For specific access terms, see IWGSC General Data Access agreement.

  • Individuals who have not signed the IWGSC Data Access Agreement should FIRST register on the IWGSC website and sign the Agreement; URGI login details will be provided subsequently for access to the data.
  • Individuals who have already signed the IWGSC Data Access Agreement can go directly to the URGI website to access the data using their URGI login details.

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