Physical & genetic maps
Physical maps
All the physical maps are publicly available to browse and download .
Genetic maps from GnpIS (URGI)
You can download Wheat genetic maps individually (see the list below) or get all maps here .
Data files contain marker names, sequences and positions when available.
- ARE_040618
- ARE_050606
- AXO_050428
- CF9107xToisondorxQuebon
- CtCs_040630
- DEL_050308
- Ditelo_050308
- ITMI_040618
- Neighbour1BL_110314
- Neighbour3B_080407
- NulliTetra_050308
- ReCS_080423
- ReCS_090305
- RER_040618
- RER_050614
- RLAc_071219
- SOds_071219
- SumStoa_090225
- SupBW_071212
- TaVirtualPop01_071219
- TaVirtualPop02_090219
- TOR107_101010
- TXO_050621
- Wheat_ISBP_RefMap_110101
- Wheat_SSR_RefMap_110101
- WuMa_071219
Genetic maps from CGG Murdoch
Display the genetic maps using CMap .