The IWGSC WGA , comprised of Illumina short sequence reads assembled with NRGene’s DeNovoMAGICTM software, produced scaffolds totaling 14.5Gb with a L50 of 7.1Mb that have been assigned to chromosomal locations using POPSEQ data and a HiC map.
Over 99% of chromosome survey contigs map to the IWGSC WGA v0.4 assembly. We hope that the more contiguous sequences of the new assembly will help users accelerate the identification of genes associated with important traits. The data are being made available before publication in accordance with the Toronto Agreement
under which the IWGSC reserves the right to publish the first global analyses of the data. This includes descriptions of whole chromosome or genome-level analyses of genes, gene families, repetitive elements, and comparisons with other organisms.
Project leaders interested in contributing to these analyses are encouraged to contact the executive director of the IWGSC, Kellye Eversole (eversole@eversoleassociates.com) to discuss potential collaboration.
A BLAST server
has been set up to facilitate rapid access to single or small numbers of queries. The data can also be downloaded
from the URGI IWGSC repository.
How to access the IWGSC WGA data? Access does require registration and agreeing to respect the right of the IWGSC to publish first. For specific access terms, see the IWGSC General Data Access agreement .
- Individuals who have not sign the IWGSC Data Access Agreement should FIRST register on the IWGSC website and sign the Agreement; URGI login details will be provided subsequently for access to the data.
- Individuals who have already signed the IWGSC Data Access Agreement can go directly to the URGI website to access the data using their URGI login details.